Chiropractic can help with headaches

Get to the cause

Hearing that someone has a headache is not uncommon. It is estimated that 1 of every 6 American experience a headache each day. But that does not mean that headaches are normal. They are actually a sign that something is wrong.

We know that stress, someone’s surroundings, foods and preservatives, infections, long hours on the computer, lack of sleep and emotions can cause headaches. But we rarely talk about how misalignment or muscles stress can cause headaches.

When the bones of the spine lose their normal position or motion, the sensitive nerves and blood vessels to the head become compromised and restricted, causing a headache.

Over-the-counter medication may provide temporary relief, but it does not get to the root of the issue. A report released in 2001 by researchers at the Duke University Evidence-Based Practice Center in Durham, NC, found that chiropractic adjustments resulted in almost immediate improvement for those headaches that originate in the neck, and had significantly fewer side effects and longer-lasting relief of tension-type headache than a commonly prescribed medication.

Therapies that help

The first step in treating headache is to take a careful history and perform a thorough physical exam. This will help Dr. Martens determine the precise source of your pain, and help us design an effective treatment plan.

Using targeted methodology, Dr. Martens will align your spine to improve spinal function and alleviate stress on the nervous system. This allows your body to function more normally and reduces risk of stress and tension building until headache pain develops.

Dr. Martens also believes in a multifaceted approach to headache treatment, which includes understanding your triggers. He will prescribe stretches and relaxation techniques to help curb your headaches.

Located in Casper, Wyoming, Martens Chiropractic offers chiropractic and dry needling services.

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