What is
Dry Needling?

Dry needling is an effective form of physical therapy for the treatment of a multitude of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular conditions.

What kinds of pain
does dry needling treat?

Dry needling is used to increase range of motion that may be limited due to muscle tightness or scar tissue. Dry needling may also treat:

-Joint problems
-Disk problems
-Migraine and tension-type headaches
-Jaw and mouth problems (such as temporomandibular joint disorders or TMD)
-Repetitive motion disorders (like carpal tunnel syndrome)
-Spinal problems
-Pelvic pain
-Night cramps
-Phantom pain
-Post-herpetic neuralgia (pain left behind by shingles)

Are there side effects
from dry needling?

Most adverse effects have been minor and include:

-Soreness during or after the treatment
-Bleeding at the place where the needle was pushed in

A very rare side effect from improper needle insertion could be major organ puncture, such as a pneumothorax (collapsed lung) caused by puncturing the lung through needle insertion in the chest.

Located in Casper, Wyoming, Martens Chiropractic offers chiropractic and dry needling services.

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