Chiropractic can help with sciatica pain

Get to the cause

Sciatica refers to pain that radiates from the lower back through the hips and buttocks and down the leg. Usually, this only affects one side of the body. This conditions can cause weakness, tingling and numbness in the leg and foot, making standing or sitting for long periods of time difficult.

Left untreated, sciatica can come and go throughout a person’s lifetime. The nerve can even become permanently injured.

Sciatica is caused by disc injuries and bulges. As the disc presses against the sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the body, it is normal to feel discomfort, a dull ache or electric shock, almost anywhere along the nerve pathway.

Therapies that help

If you have a sudden, severe pain in your low back or leg and numbness or muscle weakness in your leg; pain follows a violent injury, such as a traffic accident; or trouble controlling your bowels or bladder you should see a doctor immediately.

There are many factors that play into how a person will respond to chiropractic treatment for sciatica, but Dr. Martens is trained to zero in on the source of sciatica and provide a comprehensive approach to treatment.

Through spinal manipulations and muscle relaxation techniques, Dr. Martens can relieve sciatica pain. Adjustments can restore misaligned vertebral discs. This technique varies from a quick high-velocity thrust to a combination of minimal force and gentle pressure. It allows the chiropractor to gently move the lower back vertebral to avoid pressing on the sciatic nerve. This will lessen pain as well as regain nerve signal flow and mobility.

With dry needling, Dr. Martens will release tightened muscles to ease spasms, helping with long-term relief.

Located in Casper, Wyoming, Martens Chiropractic offers chiropractic and dry needling services.

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