Chiropractic can help with shoulder pain

Get to the cause

Your shoulders can move out of alignment, leading to issues such as inflammation, pain, and muscle spasms. This highly mobile part of the body consists of multiple joints that are responsible for everything from lifting our arms over our heads to hugging our loved ones.

When a shoulder is injured, gentle chiropractic adjustments to your shoulder can be performed to restore normal alignment. Because there is so much going on in your shoulder, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves, a chiropractor understands the complexity of the joint that is responsible for movement of the arms and hands.

Conditions such as frozen shoulder, dislocated shoulder, a pinched nerve, rotator cuff injury, arthritis, Shoulder bursitis, Tendonitis, and strains and sprains can be debilitating. Fortunately, chiropractic care for shoulder pain can be an effective, side-effect-free way to address many of the above conditions.

Therapies that help

You may not realize how often you use your shoulders until you feel pain when moving. A shoulder injury can make it hard for you to exercise, remove objects from a high cabinet, drive a car, and carry out your daily activities.

Anything from exercise to sitting at an office desk for long hours can lead to shoulder pain. Dr. Martens provides a natural, safe and effective way to overcome your symptoms associated with shoulder pain to put you on a road to full recovery.

A chiropractic adjustment of your shoulder can gently shift your shoulder joint forward or backward, which reduces joint restrictions and misalignments. This can reduce inflammation and improve functionality of both your joint and your entire nervous system, giving your body the ability to better manage pain in your shoulder and other areas.

Not everyone needs long-term care — in fact, some patients feel 100% after a few adjustments. But you may need longer-term care if your pain is chronic or stems from a traumatic event, such as a car accident or a sports injury.

Located in Casper, Wyoming, Martens Chiropractic offers chiropractic and dry needling services.

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